schnell carpentry
DIY long term testing
Professional long term testing
We provide you with the test and a return envelope to the lab - you do the rest. Includes shipping and lab analysis.
Prices from $54.
Click the links:
More information from the Government of Canada
More information from the Canadian Cancer Society
Want more information?
During a real estate transaction you won't necessarily have 3 months or more to determine if there are elevated levels of radon in the house. That is why we offer a package that combines short term testing to show the potential radon levels in a house and follow that up with a long term test to ensure that your new home is safe.
Prices from $190.
Is your home safe? Long term radon testing - the only way to know.
Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer in Canada after smoking. You will not know if you have elevated levels of radon in your home unless you test - it is invisible, it doesn't smell or taste like anything and your home may be different from your neighbours. Testing is safe and inexpensive - protect the health of your family and enjoy peace of mind.
Your peace of mind starts here - we organize everything, conduct the test according to the highest professional standards, and provide you with easy to understand results and recommendations.
Prices from $80.
Real Estate testing package
Group discounts are available. Please email us!
We want to see your home and the homes of your friends, family and neighbours get tested! Please email us and we will be happy to work with you on a group discount.
Prices are based on proximity to Fernie.